hmdg isn't...
Your usual
for clinicians
That Michael
About HMDG
HMDG isn’t your generic faceless marketing agency, we pride ourselves on being different. Our story begins with a Physiotherapist who needed help with her marketing, developing into an agency combing the healthcare knowledge of clinicians and business skills of corporate marketeers. The next step in our journey involved putting on an event for 22,000 clinicians called Therapy Live. We’re excited to see where our journey takes us next!

Our story
HMDG was founded by Michael, a corporate tech and marketing expert and Hannah, a practicing Physiotherapist. Unfortunately, Michael has very few redeeming qualities other than being very good at marketing! So when they met, in order to try and snag Hannah, he decided to help her with her clinic marketing! It obviously worked as 5 years later they’re still together and that’s where the HMDG story began!
We quickly realised that marketing in this industry was being done incredibly poorly. Clinics were spending far too much money, getting poor results, often confused by the marketing their agency was undertaking and with no idea about the results they were getting.
Our mission was to provide ethical, high quality marketing with a friendly face, someone you could trust, that was transparent and didn’t confuse you with marketing mumbo jumbo!
Why work with us
All too often, marketing agencies care more about their customer’s value than the results they can get for them. This is not an industry with huge margins and millions of pounds of profit. As business owners, we feel a huge responsibility to not waste money, not charge over the odds and to be as open and transparent as possible. We care about our clients money.
From the outset, we were adamant that this could not be a company run just by marketeers. There is nothing worse than a marketing agency that doesn’t understand its customers, their patients or the industry. As such we have clinicians who are all employed full time and are central to our marketing efforts. Whether that’s one of our founders Hannah, who is a Women’s Health Physio, Mark Reid, an experienced physio clinic owner and part of the Physio Matters team or Josh Gill, an ex customer and Osteopath who now runs our SEO team, we don’t believe that any other company has the clinical knowledge and expertise combined with top level marketing skills that we do.
New clients that join us are often surprised at how often we tell them not to spend money on various marketing strategies. They always expect to spend a lot more than we suggest. Anyone can throw £1000 at a marketing campaign and get some results but that’s a sure fire way of losing money. Our ethos is always to start small, gain traction, get consistency, generate revenue and only then increase your marketing spend. We have a responsibility to get you the best results possible, so if you come to us with suggestions of click funnels or social media data capture campaigns we will turn you down. We’re not a company that just sells you things because we want to make money, we’re serious about getting you the best possible results for the lowest possible cost.
We always say that evidence based practice requires evidence based marketing. For us, data and knowing what every pound you spend generates, is crucial. Our customers love the fact that there is no guessing. There is no fudging. There are no anecdotal numbers. When we run your marketing you will know your exact results against your spend.
In our experience, clinic owners are, let’s be honest, luddites! But you’re supposed to be! In the same way that we’re not accountants so we don’t know the difference between CapEx and EBITDA and that’s normal! But that doesn’t mean you should be made to feel stupid, fobbed off or not be in control of what’s happening with your marketing. As one client said to us recently, “It’s nice to find a company who doesn’t make me feel stupid for asking questions”.
For us to run your marketing it’s important that we know your clinic and we know you. We build incredibly close relationships with our clients and you’ll often find us going for a glass of wine with them when we’re in the area. Being a friend and a partner is the only way that HMDG knows how to work. If you’ve got 3 kids under the age of 5 and can’t talk till 10pm, we understand! As a business we want to have fun, build long lasting friendships and feel incredibly proud of the work that we do and the impact it has on our clients.
On the rare occasion (and we can count 2 instances) that campaigns aren’t working well, we’ll tell you before you even realise! Our business model is low cost, low churn, high performance and relies on long term clients and relationships. We can only achieve this by acting on anything that isn’t working well and by constantly making improvements. Even when things are going well, there will not be a month where we aren’t continuously making changes and optimising things. We’re not a company that takes your money and runs, we’re not a company that is uncontactable, nor are we a company where you can’t speak to the founders. Our clients have full access to not just the team but the owners as well. To give you some idea, Michael has at least 40 calls a month with existing clients wanting to chat. There is a reason why our clients stay with us and being honest and ethical is a huge part of this.
You might ask why results are at the end of this list. Results of course are incredibly important but results come naturally when you’ve done all of the above. If we’re having fun, tracking results, building relationships and have the clinical knowledge to implement our strategies effectively then great results are a given and our results are GREAT. Check our our case studies page for some examples.
Meet the HMDG team
As a team you can find us walking the dog, dealing with screaming children, hiking, riding, power lifting, drinking beer, drinking even more wine and most importantly caring about your business. We’re a friendly, ordinary bunch of people who love chatting, getting great results and making a difference to people’s lives and businesses. Find out more about us on our team page.