Social Media Marketing for Physios, Chiropractors and Healthcare Clinics

Social media marketing for physiotherapy, chiropractic and other healthcare clinics can be incredibly effective if done properly. It should be about brand building, visibility, confidence and it should focus on customer groups. The right clinic, with the right social media marketing campaign can completely dominate the competitors in their area.
Healthcare Social Media Marketing

Social media for clinics

Social media is incredibly difficult for healthcare clinics to generate business from in the long term. We believe in solid, ethical marketing and not short term offers, discounts and click funnels. Targeting people with specific conditions is nigh on impossible so often companies will take a shotgun approach and aggressively pursue everyone in the hope that a patient will bite. 

In our minds this is fine if you’re selling diet pills but it’s an absolute no no for any clinic that wants to protect and build their brand and avoid generating patients who are just coming to you because you’re cheap. We work with wonderful clinics who already don’t get paid enough for what they do and the idea of offering discounts is something we don’t feel is justified for the majority of businesses.

Why run social media campaigns?

Social media marketing can be a great way of generating demand from those people that otherwise would not be searching for your service. I’m sure you, like us, have bought things from Instagram or Facebook that we never knew we needed! Done right, we can use social media to both lift your brand in front of your potential patients, and generate patients for specific treatments and services. As an example, rather than advertising shockwave, we would look at people who have relevant conditions e.g. Plantar Fasciitis and look for groups of people who might suffer from that condition e.g. runners.
social media marketing for healthcare clinics

Data & tracking

The importance of data

We’re ardent believers that no campaign can ever be successful without fully understanding the results and no client will ever be happy without knowing what their spend is generating. Social media can be invariably hard to track however we have put in hundreds of hours to make sure that our metrics and tracking are accurate. We have yet, in over 1000 campaigns, found a client who has had tracking properly implemented before they began working with us.

Do we offer tracking?

All social media platforms work through algorithms, and optimal performance can only be achieved when full scale tracking and reporting is in place. We do this for every client as part of their social media package. If your not using events manager to track you sales then you really ought to give us a call and let us help you!
facebook marketing for healthcare
Marketing Training for Physio, Chiropractic and Healthcare Clinics

Why use HMDG?

As a Facebook partner and having clinical knowledge in house along with running thousands of campaigns for clients, HMDG is best placed to make your social campaigns work. After all, what other agency would understand what’s required or even suggest to run a campaign for a clinic who has a hand specialist to focus on rock climbers for example. 

We DON’T do templates, cookie cutter marketing or click funnels. You won’t find us using the same marketing campaigns for our clients, we understand that you’re a business that’s unique and have USPs that make you different and that needs to be communicated. If you’re after a ‘patient acceleration strategy to generate £500,000 in just 3 easy steps’ then we’re not for you. There are plenty of other people offering pie in the sky marketing but that’s not us.

What's included?

Campaign ideation- we’ll work with you to create ongoing and varied campaigns that achieve the results that you want.
Creative- we will design and create imagery for your ads.
Data and tracking- we will fully report and track all campaigns and provide you with dashboards.
Retargeting- if appropriate we will include retargeting campaigns./
Consulting on both organic and paid social media marketing.

Your questions answered

Here are some answers to the common questions we get asked about social media marketing.

It completely depends- not every client is the same. You would use each channel differently. Talk to us to learn more.

You can’t run social media advertising with less than a £250 ad spend. Our management fee ranges from £150-£1000 depending on your requirements and size of business. Talk to us to learn more.

This varies and depends on the type of campaign you’re running but we’re yet to have a client that hasn’t generated a significant profit on their spend. See our case studies for examples.

We currently don’t, but watch this space!

We try not to, we hate them! There are better ways to build your business than campaigns like that. However, on the odd occasion there are situations where we might look at running them. However this is not a core part of our business.

If you’re struggling with your marketing, want someone with expertise who knows your industry, or if you’re interested in how we’ve helped hundreds of other clinics then get in touch.

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