We love the guys at TPMP. Not only do they produce quality content but they’re standard bearers for quality and ethics the physio industry and of course the home of quality MSK education.
The team at TPMP had been running their podcast through their clinic page which we quickly realised wasn’t optimal for all kinds of reasons, not least they were damaging their conversion rates of new patients as patients were being distracted by the podcast.
At the same time, it wasn’t ideal given the strength of their brand, a high-quality brand needed its own space on the internet with the ability to broaden their product offering.
As such, we worked on new branding; delivering a new logo whilst maintaining consistency across their various projects such as MSKR. Once the branding had been delivered we worked with the team to look at other products that could be offered on the new site. After a two week consulting engagement, we were in the position to bring other products to life. Introducing the ‘Quid Club’!

The Quid Club is a way of bringing the podcast audience into a paid supporter model enabling TPMP to continue producing great content and exploring new avenues to benefit their supporters. This is just the first step for Physio Matters. We are working with them to bring other products to market, refine their offering, big things afoot so keep an eye out!
The HMDG Team.